Saturday, March 9, 2013

English Haiku 5

Though I started out this recent exploration of English haiku with the intention of practicing the "truest" of the form, I also played around with haiku that are a bit removed from that. I stuck to the 5-7-5 meter, but explored subjects that are generally outside of traditional haiku, outside of nature. Some I hope are still profound. Others were not at all intended to be, but were merely an example of me having fun with the meter.

The next few posts will be the slightly less traditional haiku I came up with during this recent exploration, starting with these below.

Morning of my birth.
Thinking of what's come before.
Trying to look up.


Long nights in my room.
Alone and also lonely.
I run from myself.


Movies and stories.
Creations of other's minds
Help me know my own.


Seeking out my youth.
Looks to the past are fruitless;
I was always old.


Lord and Savior Christ
Plus other Divinities.
There is no conflict.


  1. I adore the 4th one, particularly the last line.

  2. Thanks, Dave. That one could have easily been written at almost any point in my life, really.
