Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Sonnet 6

I like this sonnet. Not because it's the best use of the format, (though better than the previous example), but because it was fun to write, and I think has a fun theme. I get a little bit "meta" as they say, and mention poetry within the poem.

I've placed the volta in line nine this time, as it seemed to fit with the nature of the piece. It's not the most pronounced shift in tone, but it's there, it works, and as I said already, I enjoyed it.


I thought it was a mediocre verse
When first I came across it in a book.
Though many poems I have read are worse,
I did not give this one another look.
The words that move one man may bore the rest.
"To each his own," and all such platitudes. 
The doggerel of  some may prove the best
To other men with other attitudes.
And then the lady that I long to hold,
In casual discussion said to me
The very poem that had left me cold
Had always given her serenity.
So though it may have come to me too late,
I love the pretty verse I used to hate.

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