Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Rondeau 5

Yes, it has been a few months since I posted. But I have been thinking about the poetry I write for this site all along. It takes concentration and time set aside to create something like a rondeau, (or any of the more complicated forms of poetry.) While I admit I could have been quicker about it this time, this poems are not the sort one can crank out ten at a time, and expect any quality.

Nonetheless, here is my fifth rondeau. My exploration of the form will continue for a bit more, hopefully without as large a delay as this time.


By candle light, one's heart is known.
For one can never be alone
Amid the dancing of the flame.
We cannot hide our pride or shame.
Our dreams, our fears, our sins are shown.

Undulating shadows are blown
Along four walls of solid stone.
Nothing ever looks the same
By candle light.

Some will their tragic state bemoan.
For sins, some others will atone.
Still others won't assign the blame.
To them it's nothing but a game.
And for a few? Their legend grows
By candle light.

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